Innovative programs for health professionals
Our Credentialed Diabetes Nurse Educators and Accredited Practising Dieticians provide a range of innovative programs for health professionals, with the latest information on diabetes, current management, patient-centred care and research.
Funding to support these programs is provided by the National Diabetes Services Scheme. The National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS) is an initiative of the Australian Government administered with the assistance of Diabetes Australia. The NDSS Agent in Victoria is Diabetes Victoria.
OzDAFNE Health Professional Workshop
DAFNE stands for Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating and is a comprehensive education program that helps people manage their type 1 diabetes and adjust their insulin doses. It is known as OzDAFNE in Australia.
Carb counting workshop for health professionals
Carbohydrate counting is a valuable tool for people living with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. This workshop will give you the confidence to support people with diabetes in this vital part of their diabetes management.