
Technology can be a slow start – and that’s OK.

Tech isn't always for everyone

My journey with diabetes has been very up and down, as I’m sure it is for everyone who lives with diabetes. I have used a wide variety of different technologies that have become available in the last 12 years and have seen how new technology has positively changed the trajectory of young people's lives.

I have personally used syringes, to re-fillable and disposable insulin pens, to my first insulin pump.

I have also used many different types of blood glucose readers and flash glucose monitoring, and I am currently using a CGM (continuous glucose monitor) that is linked to my phone.

My experience with starting on an insulin pump was very slow, the first time I trialled an insulin pump, I think I was about 13. The DNEs at the Monash Children’s Hospital had suggested to my parents that it would be beneficial for me to switch from pens to a pump as I was often skipping my lunch time injection during school hours.

I wore it for less than 12 hours and decided I hated it and never wanted to use a pump ever again.

When I was 15, I tried using one again.

I wore it for no more than 24 hours and decided I hated it and that was the last time I would ever try wearing one again.

I was in year 12 at school when I decided I needed to make a change and that I felt ready. I finally started using a pump full time.

The difference that it made in my life was truly lifesaving. I found I had better control in that stressful final year of school, my HbA1c went down significantly, I was able to spend more time with my friends at lunch and had more flexibility over my eating and sleeping schedule.

I cannot imagine living without my pump; it has become an extension of me that I wouldn’t say I love but have grown attached to.

New technology is very daunting especially when our lives are in its hands, and it may seem more of a hassle than a convenience. However, I would not have the quality of life and freedom I do now without it.

I believe that all people should have access to up-to-date, life-changing technology regardless of their financial situation. It saddens me greatly to know that though everyone deserves the best care and tech, it is not within everyone’s reach. Yet.

Learn more about diabetes technology with Diabetes Victoria technology hub.

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