
Reviewing your diabetes Medicare team care arrangement plan

How do I get a care plan?

Book an appointment with your GP. You will need to let the receptionist know that you are booking an appointment for a Chronic Disease Management (CDM) plan – these are sometimes referred to as a GP Management Plan (GPMP) – and a Team Care Arrangement (TCA), as you will need a longer appointment.
CDMs, GPMs and TCAs are available to anyone living with diabetes.

Your GP, sometimes with the help of the practice nurse, will help you develop a tailored care plan that considers other medical conditions you may have, your health goals, and things you can do to manage your condition and enhance your health.

In addition to practical health management advice, a Medicare team care arrangement plan also provides subsided access to allied health professionals so that you receive the very best care possible.

How do care plans work?

  • Medicare team care arrangement plans allow people living with diabetes to visit up to five allied health professionals each calendar year, such as a dietitian, diabetes educator, exercise physiologist or podiatrist.
  • You can choose to use all five visits with the same health professional or split them up, so you can see a range of allied health professionals for a wider range of diabetes self-management support.
  • These visits are eligible for a Medicare rebate of $58.

What allied health visits should I choose?

Talk to your GP about how frequently you need to visit certain allied health professionals (some do not require multiple visits per year).

Discuss which services will best help you to reach your health goals.

What are the benefits of a Medicare team care arrangement plan?

  • Work towards goals that are personal to you, in partnership with your GP and diabetes team.
  • Subsidised appointments with allied health professionals at the Diabetes Victoria Clinic.
  • If you are living with type 2 diabetes, you are also eligible to attend a type 2 diabetes group education program run by diabetes educators, exercise physiologists and dietitians.

When should I update my care plan?

Your diabetes care plan is valid for the calendar year.

Ideally, you should review the plan with your GP or nurse practitioner to make any necessary changes every three months.

Find out more about the Medicare team care arrangement plan.

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