
‘It wasn’t until I got a pump that I felt I could let go of the anger’

An Automated Insulin Delivery system was pivotal

After four years with diabetes, I was excited to try a pump - and I was not disappointed. It made me so happy to be able to bolus anytime and to enjoy eating more often (I love food) without having to take another insulin shot.

I had found the pain and bruising of insulin pens to be so frustrating and anger-inducing. It wasn’t until I got a pump that I felt I could let go of the anger of living with diabetes.

I’ve had three healthy pregnancies while using my insulin pump. In my first pregnancy I had no CGM except for a blinded research trial where I wore a CGM but couldn’t see the data. By my third pregnancy, due to changes in Government subsidies, I had access to my own CGM which showed my glucose levels on my pump and phone. It was fantastic to keep track of my glucose levels with a quick glance, and I felt less stressed about diabetes in pregnancy.

My endocrinologist could also better pinpoint times when my insulin levels needed adjusting. And not having to do finger pricks helped me to spend less time thinking about diabetes and more time looking after myself and my two young kids.

Now, having an Automated Insulin Delivery system has helped me think about diabetes even less than ever - which is amazing! I particularly love the AID system overnight. I get a better sleep because I don't need to wake up to check my levels, and I feel confident I'll start the day well, rather than high or low.

Diabetes isn't the first thing I think about when I wake up in the morning - and for a chronic condition, that is a pretty liberating thing.

Learn more about diabetes technology with Diabetes Victoria technology hub.

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