
How OzDAFNE workshops benefits you and your clients

Designed for Health Professionals

The online workshop is for health professionals involved in the direct care and support of people with type 1 diabetes.

Expert facilitators explain the OzDAFNE approach to insulin dose adjustment, carbohydrate counting, hypoglycaemia management, ketone and illness management, and physical activity.

Delivered as pre-recorded presentations and activities, the workshop also includes an opportunity to hear from an OzDAFNE program participant.

Diabetes Midwife Specialist Gillian Guttenbeil cares for pregnant women with all types of diabetes and says the workshop improved her confidence in supporting her clients.

“It is hugely beneficial as a health practitioner to be aware of what background information people with type 1 diabetes learn during the OzDAFNE courses,” she says.

“This means we’re not giving people conflicting information and we can work in unison with what is taught in the OzDAFNE program.

“The workshop is a fantastic learning opportunity and very enjoyable – I found it an easy pace to follow, with opportunities to go through calculations in my own time.

“I encourage all health professionals supporting people with type 1 diabetes to enrol.”

The OzDAFNE Health Professional Workshop costs $160 (inc. GST) per person, with group discounts available for more than five people.

An ADEA endorsed educational program, successful completion of the workshop provides attendees with 7 CPD points.

For more information or to register, visit: OzDAFNE for Health Professionals

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