
Campaigns - 13 July 2018

ConnecT1ons: help parents of kids with type 1 diabetes

This campaign has ended.

Over the past 12 months, Diabetes Victoria has been working on a project for parents of children living with type 1 diabetes. From the conversations we had with parents as part of this project, we know these parents feel sleep-deprived and stressed. They rarely have a break or have opportunities to meet other parents of type 1 kids. Read Kim Henshaw's blog about the project and the Parent Consultation: Preliminary Report.

Jade is just one of the parents we spoke to as part of this project. Her son Justin was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 5 years ago and she has been working hard to give him a happy, healthy childhood.

That’s why, from Monday 27 August, Diabetes Victoria is supporting a crowdfunding campaign to help parents like Jade. All donations will go directly towards funding ConnecT1ons, an event that will give parents a break and let them connect with other parents of kids with type 1 diabetes.

By raising $15,000 we can run a ConnecT1ons event for 100 parents while their kids are safe and having fun at diabetes camp. By raising $30,000 we can run 2 of these events, helping 200 parents.

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