
Campaigns - 13 July 2018

Diabetes Victoria’s new awareness campaign, Bust a Myth, kicks off on Monday 4 June 2018.

This theme will help to bust some of the most common myths around diabetes – and will help Victorians to understand more about the condition.
Bust a Myth provides Diabetes Victoria with the opportunity to raise awareness about all types of diabetes and the myriad of myths surrounding the condition.

We have chosen five common myths to bust during the week. Every day, we will debunk one common myth around diabetes.

This campaign, scheduled to run from Monday 4 June to Friday 8 June, consists of five videos and campaign materials, which will run across digital, social and print media. By busting these five diabetes myths we will help dispel the stigma for people living with any type of diabetes.

What you can do:

  • Display our campaign poster in a prominent place. The poster will be available from Monday 4 June here.
  • Visit the website: (live from Monday 4 June) to learn more about how Diabetes Victoria is campaigning for people living with diabetes.
  • Raise awareness using the hashtag: #bustamyth
  • Share your story via our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages.
  • Consider making a donation to Diabetes Victoria to help fund vital services and research.
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