
Campaigns - 13 July 2017

People with diabetes look like everybody else

National Diabetes Week is a wonderful opportunity to raise awareness about all types of diabetes and how this condition affects Australians. Every day, almost 300 Australians develop diabetes. This year, Diabetes Victoria is launching a digital awareness campaign to coincide with National Diabetes Week 2017 (9-15 July). OurInvisible Condition campaign is directed to all people affected by, or at risk of, diabetes.

This campaign aims to raise awareness of all types of diabetes and highlights the invisible nature of diabetes; why diabetes is too important to ignore; how people can take a stand; and how they can make their mark by asking their local Member of Parliament to provide more funding for diabetes research – which may lead to a cure.

Diabetes Victoria is calling on all Victorians to support this campaign to help raise awareness of diabetes during National Diabetes Week 2017.

Ways to support the campaign:

  • Share our 30-second video highlighting the fact that diabetes is an invisible condition which affects people from all walks of life.
  • Download our campaign materials and display our campaign materials in a prominent place.
  • Download and share the social media tiles and prepared posts. Don't forget to use the hashtag: #InvisibleCondition
  • Link your posts to our campaign website:
  • Share your story via our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages.
  • Sign our petition or write a letter to your local Member of Parliament highlighting that diabetes is too important to ignore.
  • Donate to Diabetes Victoria to help fund vital services and research.

Campaign materials:

Download our campaign kit now and help spread awareness about diabetes.

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