
Campaigns - 13 July 2015

This year’s NDW campaign raises awareness of all types of diabetes – 280 a day refers to the number of people who develop diabetes every single day. Diabetes Victoria promotes the message that ‘you don’t have to be old or overweight’ to develop diabetes.

NDW 2015 campaign posterThe national television advertisement features 280 images of people with diabetes – representing the 280 people who develop diabetes every day in Australia. It will feature ten 'hero' images that will be on screen for approximately 2 seconds – some with people managing their diabetes and some with the serious complications of diabetes including heart disease, stroke, amputation and blindness. The campaign call to action will be 'What do you need to know about diabetes?'

The aim of the campaign is to increase knowledge and understanding in the general population about diabetes so those that don’t have diabetes better understand the condition and can support those who do.

Ways to support the campaign

  • Raise awareness using the #280aday hashtag
  • Share your story about “what you know about diabetes” via our Facebook page
  • Display the campaign materials in a prominent place.
  • Donate to Diabetes Victoria here

Campaign material

Help spread the word. Download the poster and postcards below or share our social media messages.

Learn more about this year's campaign here

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