
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander – Education and training

two people sitting on a couch looking at a tablet

Diabetes Yarning Community Program  

Diabetes Yarning is a two-hour interactive workshop delivered to community in person or via Zoom. It opens the conversation about health before colonisation, how the body works, what happens inside the body with diabetes, and strategies to manage type 2 diabetes. The workshop helps Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people understand diabetes so they can take preventative action and support those in their community living with diabetes. 

Diabetes Yarning Facilitator Training   

The program aims to empower local Health Workers and Practitioners working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community to customise a conversation about diabetes with community members in a culturally safe and known environment. Facilitator training also covers where to access more information and support locally, including signing up to the NDSS to access its programs and resources. The Aboriginal Health Workforce will be provided with ongoing support to speak about diabetes with community members to ensure strong and ongoing partnership.  

We can come to you. To organise Diabetes Yarning for your community or workforce, please contact our Aboriginal Health Promotion Officer, Tiffany Humes, on or

Feltman and Feltmum training

Diabetes Victoria has paused Feltman and Feltmum training. You can find videos on using Feltman and Feltmum on our YouTube Channel.

If you would like to order a Feltman and/or Feltmum kit, please email

Feltman® and Feltmum® are registered trademarks of the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation and Diabetes Victoria

Community events

If you are organising a health-related event for the Aboriginal community in Victoria, we may be able to attend and provide resources.
Please contact our Aboriginal Health Promotion Officer, Tiffany Humes, on or

Peer support  

Support groups bring together people who share common experiences, conditions, concerns, goals or interests. They offer people an opportunity to improve their quality of life through mutual support and education. Diabetes Victoria provides insurance, small annual grants and ongoing support and resources to peer support groups involved in the programs.
If you would like to start your own Aboriginal Peer Support Group contact, call 1800 637 700 or visit the peer support website to find out more.  

Diabetes e-Learning—Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health

Diabetes e-Learning—Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health offers a culturally appropriate interactive learning environment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers and practitioners and those health professionals working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples living with diabetes. 

The online learning modules provide: 

  • foundational diabetes information 

  • culturally appropriate resources to support people living with diabetes and their families 

  • interactive activities and stories 

  • information on diabetes-related health complications 

  • management strategies to support people to live well with diabetes. 

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