Tim McMaster
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Tim has been an accredited practising dietitian for 11 years. During this time he has specialised in the area of diabetes nutrition, firstly with Diabetes Tasmania and now with Diabetes Victoria for the past 7 years.
During his 11 years as a diabetes dietitian, Tim’s passion for helping people has grown by providing practical, real-life advice and support to all people living with diabetes. He is an accredited OzDAFNE (Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating) facilitator, which is a self-management program for adults living with type 1 diabetes. He provides education on carbohydrate counting for those on flexible insulin therapy. He is also an accredited DESMOND (Diabetes Education and Self-Management for Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed) and Smarts facilitator, which are programs mainly for people living with type 2 diabetes.
You may have seen Tim’s face in many of the Membership Matters articles or short videos over the years or various other diabetes publications. He has a real enthusiasm for both producing quality messages to people and public speaking. Tim has presented at many major events, for both people living with diabetes and health professionals on nutrition management for diabetes. You may have also spoken to Tim during his time answering enquires on the NDSS Helpline.
Previously Tim has worked in Aboriginal health and since 2013 has been an accredited sports dietitian. Over the years he has worked with a wide range of areas in sports nutrition, including AFL/VFL teams, endurance athletes and other team sports. He has a special area of interest in people living with type 1 diabetes and exercise.
When Tim isn’t working at Diabetes Victoria, he is spending top quality time with his lovely young family, drinking coffee and exercising when his body allows him to.
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