
Diabetes in schools programs

Teacher with student checking blood glucose

We offer a range of resources and professional development opportunities to inform and support families and staff working in schools and early childhood settings to build confidence and knowledge to support young people with type 1 diabetes.

By understanding how you can support children/students with diabetes at early childhood setting/school, you are giving them the best chance to reach their full learning potential, and to participate in all aspects of school life.

If you have any further questions, you can speak to our early childhood and schools team by calling the NDSS Helpline on 1800 637 700 (Monday to Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm) or email:


Level 1 – Introductory (Basic)

All Staff

We recommend that all early childhood and school staff complete the introductory (basic) level training if there is a child/student with type 1 diabetes at the early childhood setting or school. We recommend that all early childhood and school staff complete the introductory (basic) level training annually if there is a child/student with type 1 diabetes at the early childhood setting or school.


The National Diabetes in Schools Online Learning modules

Staff registering from primary, secondary, or special schools select:

  • ‘New to the Program’ (top right-hand corner of home page)
  • Then the ‘School Staff’ option

Staff registering from Early Childhood, Before and After school care or any other setting select:

  • ‘New to the Program’ (top right-hand corner of home page)
  • Then the ‘General User’ option.

The National Diabetes in Schools Online Learning modules are designed for all school staff and provide basic information about supporting students living with type 1 diabetes. The training includes three 5-minute online modules:

  • Module 1: Diabetes 101
    provides a basic overview of what is type 1 diabetes and how it is managed.

  • Module 2: Lows and Highs (First Aid)
    explains the signs and symptoms of hypoglycaemia (low blood glucose) and hyperglycaemia (high blood glucose), and how to respond in an emergency.

Module 3: Roles and Responsibilities
explains the roles and responsibilities of school staff in supporting and managing students with type 1 diabetes.

 The Victorian Diabetes at School Online Learning Modules

This Victorian “Diabetes AT Schools” online program was developed for Victorian school staff and utilised for many years before the National “Diabetes IN Schools” commenced in 2020.

The information from the Victorian program has been incorporated into the National Program, and so for ease of certification, it is recommended that you start your journey with the National “Diabetes IN Schools” program.

Please contact if you are having any issues with the programs, or the Diabetes Victoria helpline on 1300 437 386

Level 2 – Intermediate Training

Designated/responsible staff

We recommend that designated/responsible staff, who will be supporting the child/student with their diabetes requirements at early childhood setting or school, to complete Level 1 and Level 2 of the Diabetes in Schools program. Responsible school staff can access level 2 online professional development via the national Diabetes in Schools website.

The nine online modules (approximately 90 minutes) consist of educational and interactive videos, downloadable resources, plus learning questions and activities.

A Certificate of Completion can be downloaded at the conclusion of the learning. 

You’ll learn about:

  • What is diabetes
  • How to support a student with type 1 diabetes
  • Food and diabetes
  • Monitoring glucose levels
  • Insulin
  • Low and high glucose levels
  • Being active
  • Planning for camp
  • Planning for change and communication

Level 3 (Applied training)

This is a skills-based training session for responsible school staff held on school grounds in groups of 3- 10 staff. Topics include insulin administration (whether administering, assisting, or supervising), glucose monitoring, and if necessary glucagon administration for camps.
Staff can access Level 3 training through the Diabetes in Schools Program (Note – currently this service is only available to students under Royal Children’s Hospital or Monash Childrens Hospital). If students are not under these hospitals, the school should ask the family if their treating team will provide on-site training at the school.  For further information please email (and HELPLINE)

Online Program

Responsible school staff can access level 2 online professional development via the national Diabetes in Schools website. The nine online modules (approximately 90 minutes) consist of educational and interactive videos, downloadable resources, plus learning questions and activities.

  • Diabetes action and management plans

  • child speaking to camera

    Schools Videos

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