
Rob’s journey to better health with the Life! program

“The group setting of the program was important as it showed me that my situation isn’t unique,” Rob says.

“I realised that many people shared similar experiences – stressful lifestyle demands, job dissatisfaction, and a general lack of education around eating well and exercise – ultimately leading to a decline in health.

“Knowing that others shared a similar story was motivating and humbling and a driving force for me to complete the program.

“The matter-of-factness was also very appealing to me, and I felt that I was being coached rather than lectured. The group setting was extremely comfortable and surprisingly enjoyable.

“I learned how to interrogate nutrition panels critically, which means I now make more informed food choices – and steer away from sugary foods and drinks!

“I’ve eliminated some bad habits that were specific to my circumstances and have dramatically increased how much aerobic and core strength work I do each week.”

Since completing the program, Rob made the decision to leave his lifelong career and has begun working in a completely different industry.

“I’ve permanently engaged with an exercise physiologist to continue to build on the exercise goals set during the program,” he says.

“These lifestyle changes would not have happened if it weren’t for the confidence I gained from the Life! Program.”

The Life! program is a type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease prevention program that is funded by the Victorian Government and coordinated by Diabetes Victoria.

Delivered by qualified health professionals, the program has worked with over 70,000 Victorians to improve their eating habits, physical activity, and stress management. The Life! program can be completed as on online group course, or via telephone health coaching.

Do you have a friend or family member who may benefit from the Life! program? Encourage them to find out more at or by contacting our friendly team at 13 RISK (13 7475)

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