
Preparing for the summer holidays

1. Check out if and when your regular diabetes team will be away

  • Will the service be closed?
  • If so, when does it close and when does it reopen?
  • Make your appointments with these dates in mind.
  • Is there a locum (backup) service that will be available during this time?

2. Are you planning to travel?

  • Get advice about insulin and medication adjustments, especially if you are going overseas and across time zones.
  • Make an appointment with your diabetes educator to talk about this in advance.
  • If you want to prepare an emergency plan and kit if you are visiting areas where bushfires occur you can find more information here.
  • You can find more detailed tips here on our travel and diabetes page.

3. Stocktake your supplies!

  • Check that you have enough prescription medication supplies (especially insulin) to last over the holiday period, so you don’t run out.
  • Don’t forget to check your stock of other diabetes supplies too (CGM, insulin pump consumables, glucose & ketone test strips, pen needles).

4. Manage your management.

  • Make sure you know how to manage the changes in food and alcohol intake that will likely happen during the festive season.
  • See your usual dietitian or diabetes educator to make a plan for eating and drinking at parties.

5. Write up a list - and check it twice

  • Make a list of who to contact about insulin adjustment and sick days just in case you need it
  • This may be your GP or their locum service or the nearest Priority Care Centre or public hospital.
  • Keep important phone numbers close at hand - on the fridge, with your diabetes supplies, in your mobile phone or by your landline phone.
  • Try to find some time to rest, relax and refresh yourself to maintain your emotional health.
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