
Peer support network recognised

The Volunteering Victoria awards, supported by the Victorian State Government, recognise and celebrate the impact volunteers, volunteer leaders and volunteer programs have in building resilient communities, services and connections across Victoria.

Staying connected was the main challenge for peer support convenors who are running some of the 85+ peer support groups throughout Victoria.

With the guidance and support of the convenors, Diabetes Victoria's peer support team created training and resources to make it easier to join online, provided access to a free online Zoom account, kept the network updated about current government guidelines and provided plans for connecting face-to-face - when it was safe to do so.

The teams also sent letters and care packs to convenors, and provided access for convenors to Accidental Counsellor training and psychologist support services.

For convenors Edith, Jill and Liz, these new ways of connecting meant that they could keep supporting their groups in new ways.

"It was great to know that Diabetes Victoria had a Zoom licence... and that we would be able to use that to run some online meetings," said convenor Jill.

Liz added: "Being online during the pandemic allowed us to give our network the
support and opportunity needed to connect with others."

The groups started meeting online, with many members having never connected online before.

The peer support team could work one-on-one with groups to provide basic training in using the Zoom platform.

The peer support team also worked with convenors to create plans for safely connecting face-to-face throughout different stages of the pandemic.

For many groups, this support and access to the most up-to-date resources helped them connect in a COVID-safe way while still supporting each other.

Diabetes Victoria would like to thank our peer support convenors for their hard work and efforts during pandemic lockdowns.

Their continued efforts and collaboration have helped develop resources to support the program.

Diabetes Victoria's peer support programs are funded through the National Diabetes Services Scheme. The NDSS is an initiative of the Australian Government and is administered by Diabetes Australia.

The NDSS Agent in Victoria is Diabetes Victoria.

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