
Member family fun day a sell out

Our annual Member Family Fun Day was a vibrant adventure on the ice and in the sky!

Selling out in just 24 hours with over 400 registrants among our kids and teens members, we were thrilled to have such a positive response to the event.

Attendees headed to O’Brien Group Arena where they enjoyed two hours of ice skating in a private arena and activities including face painting, balloon art and a colouring in competition. The event was topped off with a ride on the Melbourne Star.

There was something for everyone and it was great to see the big smiles on the faces of kids and parents.

This annual event is a day for our kids and teen members to relax and have fun with their family, friends, and carers.

Thank you to O’Brien Group Arena for hosting us and to our event partners; Noble Beverages, Nice and Natural, The Happy Snack Company and Collins Booksellers.

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