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Managing your diabetes in a natural disaster

Victorian Virtual Emergency Department (VVED)

The VVED is a free, state-wide emergency care service to treat non-life-threatening emergencies. It does not do routine prescription refills or medical certificates. Please contact alternative providers for these needs.
Visit here for more information.

Emotional health and wellbeing during natural disasters

Natural disasters can also have a big impact on your mental health and wellbeing.
Reach out and talk with someone. For example, your local doctor, diabetes nurse educator and health professionals at the Emergency relief centre.

You can also call the following organisations:


Phone number



13 11 14

A 24-hour telephone service that offers confidential support and advice to help you deal with stress and personal challenges.

Australian Red Cross 1800 733 276 The Australian Red Cross supports and visits people in communities where disaster has occurred to check on their wellbeing and make referrals to other agencies.
The Salvation Army 13 72 58 The Salvation Army provides services for people during disaster and community recovery.
Victorian Council of Churches
Emergencies Ministry
(03) 7037 6010 Provides psychosocial support including psychological first aid, emotional and spiritual care and personal support in relief and recovery centres and through community outreach, direct visits, community meetings and gatherings. 
Beyond Blue 1300 224 636 An information line that offers expert information on depression; how to recognise the signs of depression, how to get help, how to help someone else and how to stay well.
Mens Line Australia 1300 789 978  A telephone support, information and referral service, helping men deal with their relationship problems.
Nurse-on-Call 1300 60 60 24 A 24-hour telephone service that allows people to discuss any health-related issue with a registered nurse for the cost of a local call.
Parentline Victoria 13 22 89 Available 8am – midnight. A seven day a week a telephone service for parents and carers of children from birth to 18 years old, which offers confidential and anonymous counselling and support on parenting issues.
Kids Help Line 1800 551 800 A 24-hour telephone service that provides phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25.
Australian Psychological
Society Referral Service
1800 333 497 Access thousands of APS psychologists who are in private practice. Seek qualified and trusted psychologists for assistance in a range of areas.
Safe Steps Family Violence
Response Centre 
1800 015 188 Emergencies put a lot of additional stress on close relationships and families as they struggle to deal with the stress. Safe Steps provides confidential support for women and children living with family violence.
Victorian Legal Aid -
Disaster Legal Helpline
1800 113 432 For free legal advice, assistance and referrals for people affected by a disaster.

Emergency financial help for individuals and families

The Victorian government department of Families, Fairness and Housing has A Personal Hardship and Assistance Program that helps people experiencing financial hardship in emergencies.
The program includes Emergency Relief Payments and Re-establishment Assistance.
Visit their website here for more information.
(Information is also translated in many other languages.)


For tips on managing insurance issues after a natural disaster visit MoneySmart.

Red Cross

For practical help and resources to use before, during and after emergencies visit Red Cross Emergencies.

Legal help

For legal information and referrals visit Disaster Legal Help Victoria or call 1800 113 432.
For free legal advice visit Justice Connect.

Diabetes Victoria Advocacy Services Team

If you want to talk about diabetes supplies and medicines and managing your diabetes at this stressful time, call one of the team members (Julie, Karen or Susanne) on 1800 637 700. You can also email them at They are here to help.