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Letters from kids camp

Chege came to the Diabetes Victoria kids' camp in January to learn more about how he can live better with diabetes. At camp he met other kids living with diabetes and here he learnt that having diabetes does not limit him doing the things he likes to do in life, as long as he takes proper care of himself and monitors his blood glucose levels.

"Initially I was scared since I knew no-one, but I made a lot of new friends at camp," he remembers.

"It was nice to spend time with kids going through the same thing as myself, and to feel that we can lead a normal life and have fun. I also met nice leaders who made me feel safe. I learnt a lot of new things and had so much fun."

Each year Diabetes Victoria collaborates with the Royal Children's and Monash Children's Hospitals to provide an opportunity for children and adolescents living with type 1 diabetes to come together in the fun and supportive environment of the diabetes camps. Children attending camp can participate in varied activities like surfing, canoeing, swimming with dolphins, ten pin bowling and camping in tents. And of course, each camp has its own 'themed' final night disco.

The aim of camps is to provide a place where children and teenagers can learn about their diabetes and gain independence through adventure. These camps rely tremendously on the commitment and enthusiasm of the volunteer leaders and health professionals (diabetes nurse educators, dietitians and doctors) who provide their generous support.

Each camp is staffed by a team of volunteer leaders, many of whom have type 1 diabetes, and act as role models for the campers. We also have a team of health professionals including night duty diabetes nurse educators who check on the campers overnight.

Today we would like to share with you some of the letters we received from the families of campers who came to our camp earlier this year.

We wanted to let you know how much Ellie enjoyed Junior Camp last week. She loved all the activities, especially Adventure Park and the disco. It was great for her to be in an environment where everyone was managing diabetes, rather than her being the only one and how it was simply incorporated as just another part of the day.

Her gluten-free food was great and she learned a lot from the various education sessions. And from a parent's perspective, she could not have been in better hands, from the time we dropped her off until the time we collected her. Such peace of mind for parents to know their child is being so well cared for when they are away from their care.

Please accept our thanks, and pass on our appreciation to the other organisers and all the wonderful educators, dietitians, doctors and volunteers who attended.

My daughter Tameka was at your junior camp recently and she absolutely loved it so much, so thank you for everything that you do. Once again thank you so much for such a wonderful organised camp.

A very heartfelt thank you for the fantastic 4 days which Reuben so thoroughly loved at the Anglesea Camp!

Since his diagnosis 2 years ago we have been living in a remote part of the Northern Territory where he was the only child with diabetes. For him to meet and have so much fun with other kids with diabetes was truly fantastic and to finally not be the odd man out was liberating!

He was inspired by the volunteers who also have diabetes who were such wonderful role models. All the volunteers played such a special part for him in ensuring the success of the camp. We are truly grateful to everyone for dedicating so much of your valuable spare time to helping our children along their journey.

As parents to have a few days off carb counting, BSL monitoring and site changing was incredible, thank you so much for the time out we had!!!

Please pass on a huge thank you to all those people involved in the recent Junior Camp at Anglesea. Paris enjoyed every moment. The look on her face when I picked her up was priceless as she was so happy & confident.

She learnt many new things in regards to diabetes and is now injecting in other sites away from her tummy. Apart from her having fun with the endless amounts of activities, the socialisation with other kids her age with the same condition was well worth it. Not always easy when you live in the country.

Please thank Simone (volunteer) who slept in her room for taking care of Paris. For me not to look at my watch & think testing, getting up during the night, eating times etc.

I thank everyone involved in this camp for giving me a little break. Diabetes Victoria, I congratulate the whole process involved in this camp. It was so well organised. Once again thank you for the opportunity you gave our family.

Thank you for organising such a great camp for the 9-11 year olds. Otto had a GREAT time (he described it as the best week of his life!).

My type 1 son got back from the junior camp yesterday, he talked all the way home from Anglesea to Melbourne!!!!

The camp is extremely well run, and so very rewarding. My son loved every single moment of it, he tried every activity, and learned that he's not alone in growing up with T1 diabetes. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

Just to let you know, Erin had a great experience. She returned enthusiastic and inspired by all the new connections she made. Being with people like her, made all the difference.

She is already looking forward to apply for camp next year! That says it all. Thanks to all the staff and volunteers that made this experience possible.


Chege was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes on 2 June 2015. This prompted a journey of discovery and learning – but he was not alone.