
“I felt giddy but I didn’t recognise it” – Alan

Alan was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 1999 following his retirement. The diagnosis came as a complete surprise. “I went to the doctor for a minor reason, and as part of his process he undertook some tests and said: ‘You have diabetes!’”

In hindsight, Alan now wonders if he had been living with type 2 diabetes for some time without realising it. “I didn’t feel unwell at all. I suppose I felt giddy but did not recognise it,” Alan remembers.

It is very common to live with type 2 diabetes without knowing it. Diabetes Victoria estimates that 125,000 Victorians are currently unaware that they have developed type 2 diabetes. From research, we know that people can have type 2 diabetes for up to seven years before it is diagnosed. It can be silent with no symptoms – but during this time type 2 diabetes can do damage to the body.

Over the years, Alan has managed his diabetes with support from his family and medical practitioners. At times, he is experiencing low and high blood glucose levels, but he has learned how to deal with them. “I try not to worry about my diabetes too much,” he says.

“I try to get on with life, ensuring I have jellybeans in my wagon and take my medication.”

But Alan knows that type 2 diabetes is still a serious condition. He knows that he is at a higher risk than others to develop certain health complications, and he also know that life with diabetes can be a challenge at times.

“I hope it never affects the younger generations and I hope they find a cure before that,” Alan says about his motivation to leave a gift in his will for Diabetes Victoria. “I think they (Diabetes Victoria) deserve it; they do some good work!”

Leaving Diabetes Victoria, a gift in your will ensures that Diabetes Victoria remains at the forefront of developments in research, education programs and advocacy as we shift paradigms towards creating a world where diabetes can do no harm.

By leaving just 1 per cent of your estate to Diabetes Victoria, those closest to you receive 99 per cent while the cause that you care about benefits too.

Thank you for your wonderful support, Alan.

Do feel free to reach out to Carla on 0413557141 for a confidential chat regarding your own legacy.

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