
HypoActive celebrates milestone, raises $5k for Diabetes Camps Victoria

"It's a diabetes camp for grown-ups"

John Stevens is the HypoActive president and has been a member of the group since its inception.

“Helping to keep the diabetes camps going is the reason we do the fundraiser,” he says.
“For us, Murray to Moyne is diabetes camp for grown-ups.”

The team is usually made up of 12 cyclists, four drivers, and two support crew, with riders taking it in turns to cycle or rest on the team bus over 24 hours of relay time.

“This year we roped in some ‘liarbetics’ – people who don’t live with diabetes,” John explains.

“We don’t mind who joins us, it’s about getting the numbers to participate.

“This year we only had eight riders instead of the usual 12, so it was a greater challenge than usual.”

Murray to Moyne President Peter Bollard praised the group’s 20 consecutive years of participation.

“It’s incredible when you consider what they have to do to keep their team members healthy and on the road,” Peter says.

"It's an amazing effort to monitor and test (blood glucose levels) constantly to make sure everyone is getting the right amount of insulin and keeping their energies up so they can ride the bike all the way through the wind, the rain, the heat.

“They face unique challenges on top of the challenge of the relay itself, so it’s incredible they have been represented in the event for two decades.”

There have been a number of remarkable achievements over the years. This year for example, marked HypoActive team member Matt Warry's 17th year, while Brett ‘Fletch’ Fletcher was named runner up for the Graham Woodrup Memorial Award. This award recognises someone who has displayed exceptional effort and inspiration to others during the relay.

“I've been living with diabetes for 25 years and I have been riding with, or driving for, the HypoActive team for the last 15 years.,” Brett says.

“Everyone's had an absolute ball out there this year and I’m looking forward to the 21st.”

HypoActive welcomes anyone living with type 1 diabetes who embraces an active lifestyle to be part of the community.

To express your interest in joining the HypoActive team for next year’s Murray to Moyne, please reach out via email to Join in the fun and contribute to Diabetes Camps Victoria.

HypoActive raised $4,774 for Diabetes Camps Victoria at time of writing.

You can help too! Donate to Diabetes Camps Victoria and help us raise the much needed funds to run more camps for more Victorian kids.

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