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Carbohydrate counting workshop for dietitians and diabetes educators

A person in glasses standing in an office

Carbohydrate counting is a valuable tool for people living with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. This workshop will give you the confidence to support people with diabetes in this vital part of their diabetes management.

Expert diabetes practitioners from Diabetes Victoria will provide an overview of carbohydrate counting principles and hands-on experience with carbohydrate counting practice and teaching.

Topics covered include

  • Basic and advanced carbohydrate counting principles
  • Tailoring carbohydrate counting to diabetes therapy
  • Teaching carbohydrate counting
  • Useful resources and apps to use in your practice

One workshop participant said: “I gained confidence in my skills to teach others about carbohydrate counting.”

Another workshop participant said: “I found it very valuable… helped improve my knowledge and confidence in carbohydrate counting and diabetes management.”

This program is suitable for dietitians and diabetes educators.

Please contact us on 1300 136 588 if you would like to discuss training for staff in your organisation.