
Trisha Dunning Research Scholarship

Making sense of sensors with Trisha Dunning Scholarship recipient

About Trisha Dunning

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    Emeritus Professor Trisha Dunning AM

    Emeritus Professor Trisha Dunning AM is a leading nurse, diabetes clinician, qualitative methods researcher and educator, with an international profile and reputation. Emeritus Professor Dunning has published widely and is acknowledged as an expert on diabetes management and care guidelines – particularly for older people and people receiving palliative or end-of-life care.

    Emeritus Professor Dunning has also been a significant contributor to many diabetes organisations, such as the International Diabetes Federation, Diabetes Australia, the Australian Diabetes Educators Association and, of course, Diabetes Victoria, who honour Emeritus Professor Dunning’s lifetime work by funding this scholarship.

About the Trisha Dunning Research Scholarship

Frequency of award: Annual, until 2026 – then to be reviewed by the Diabetes Victoria Board, on advice from the CEO.

Who is eligible to apply?

A person with professional nursing qualification(s) and experience to support them to undertake a higher degree (Masters, equivalent or PhD) focused on a diabetes-related topic at a Victorian university.

Applicants will be either in year 1 of approved studies, or eligible to enrol in approved studies, at a Victorian university.

Consistent with Emeritus Professor Dunning’s own research interests, preference may also be given to those planning to use qualitative research methods (in full, or in part of their research).

Applicants will be eligible if they have an existing scholarship, though preference may be given to those without financial support.

How much is the scholarship worth?

Up to $60,000

Payment structure: One third on announcement; one third on advice from the student’s principal supervisor of satisfactory progress after twelve months; and one third after advice from the university of the conferral of the degree.

Who is it funded by?

Diabetes Victoria

How do I apply?

Applicants must provide the following details as part of their application:

  • details about their ongoing/proposed studies (including title, university name and principal or prospective supervisor);
  • a comprehensive outline of their ongoing/proposed studies, including aims, methodology and procedures, where relevant (max 1000 words);
  • the likely impact of their studies on people living with, or affected by, diabetes (max 250 words); and
  • the likely impact of this research scholarship on their studies (max 500 words).

In addition, applicants must submit a letter of support from their principal or prospective supervisor, which should include confirmation that the student is enrolled, or eligible to enrol, in appropriate studies.

 Selection panel: To be convened by the CEO: Diabetes Victoria, but to include a nominated representative of the Diabetes Victoria Board. The Selection Panel reserves the right to not make a recommendation to award the scholarship in a particular year, at its absolute discretion.
Approval: The Diabetes Victoria Board reserves the right to not award the scholarship in a particular year, at its absolute discretion.

Applications are now open and close Thursday 30 September 2021.

Applications are to be submitted to the CEO: Diabetes Victoria at

The research scholarship recipient will be announced on, or around, Sunday 14 November (World Diabetes Day).

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