
Our services

Reviewing your diabetes Medicare team care arrangement plan

We believe diabetes management is teamwork. All people with diabetes can benefit from seeing a Dietitian and a Diabetes Educator throughout their diabetes journey.

Whether you’re newly diagnosed with diabetes or have had diabetes for a number of years, APDs and DNEs can provide a wealth of information and support you with your diabetes and health related goals.

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Services we provide

Diabetes Victoria Clinic currently provides one-on-one appointments (including video calls-telehealth) for adults above 18 years old with:

  • Type 1 diabetes
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • MODY (Maturity Onset of Diabetes of the Young)
  • LADA (Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults)
  • Diabetes resulting from injury to or removal of the pancreas
  • GDM (Gestational Diabetes Mellitus)
  • *Adults at high risk of type 2 diabetes
  • Psychology appointments available to people living with diabetes
  • Psychology appointments available at Carlton clinic and telehealth appointments only

*our psychology service is only available to people living with diabetes

We can help with all aspects of diabetes management and care, which includes:

  • Medication
  • Technology and devices
  • Carbohydrate counting
  • Healthy eating
  • Education and support for people with a high risk of type 2 diabetes.
  • Starting an insulin pump and pump upgrades.

Diabetes Victoria is pleased to be offering Carb Counting workshops for type 1 diabetes. Find out more about the upcoming workshops here.

How can the Diabetes Victoria Clinic team help?

 You can access health professionals through the Medicare Team Care Arrangement (TCA) plan.

This plan allows people with diabetes to receive coordinated care from a team of healthcare providers. The TCA ensures that people receive the necessary multidisciplinary care, which may include a DNE, Dietitian and other disciplines available through the Diabetes Victoria Clinic. 

The TCA plan helps reduce out-of-pocket costs, making essential diabetes management support more accessible.

Find out more about a Team Care Arrangement Plan.

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