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Diabetes Camps Victoria

About diabetes camps

Diabetes Camps Victoria offers an invaluable experience for children with type 1 diabetes. This specialised camp provides a safe and supportive environment where kids can learn, grow, and connect with others facing similar challenges. With medical staff well-versed in diabetes management, children can explore various activities while receiving personalised care, ensuring their health needs are met.

Attending camps empowers children to manage their condition independently, building crucial life skills early on. They gain a sense of camaraderie, bonding with peers who understand their daily struggles, fostering a strong support network that lasts beyond the camp. Diabetes Camps Victoria combines traditional camp fun with tailored educational sessions that teach kids about nutrition, insulin management, and self-care, enhancing their confidence in handling their health.

Furthermore, the camp experience boosts self-esteem, as children accomplish new feats and overcome obstacles, proving that diabetes doesn’t limit their potential. In this nurturing setting, they can focus on personal growth, all while forming cherished memories.

Register your EOI now

Key benefits of camps

  • Experience independence through adventure
  • Meet and share experiences with other children and adult volunteers living with type 1 diabetes
  • Create a long-lasting peer support network
  • Supervision and support from a dedicated team of health professionals and volunteers in a safe environment
  • Increase skills and awareness in managing type 1 diabetes in a relaxed setting
  • Parent and carer respite

Who else will be on camps?

Camp doctor

The camp doctor participates in activities during the day and is ‘on call’if needed overnight. A paediatric endocrinologist is also ‘on call’ for the duration of camp.

2-3 Lead Diabetes Nurse Educators (DNE)

The DNEs are around to coordinate the smooth-running of the camp.

Additional Colour Group DNEs

Colour group DNEs supervise or administer insulin, administer any extra medication needed and generally oversee the day-to-day diabetes management of campers.
*Recently graduated DNEs (or student DNEs) are invited to apply as supernumerary DNEs as volunteers.

Night shift DNE/s

We all know diabetes doesn’t rest. This team of DNEswork overnight to ensure camper follow-up is attended to. (Junior & Senior camps)

Wellbeing Coordinator

There is always support on hand with a psychologist, counsellor or social worker present on camp to support all attendees as needed.

Lead dietitian

The lead dietitian ensures that the camp menu is plannedaccording to appropriate guidelines. The dietitian also providesdietary guidance and support throughout camp along with carbohydrate counting.

Dietitian assistants

The assistants help the lead dietitian in everyday meal planning and preparation.*The dietitian assistant must be studying a Master of Dietetics, or have completed study as a dietitian.

Recreation Leaders

Our recreation leaders are volunteers who support and participate in activities with campers for the duration of camp. Many of our volunteers have type 1 diabetes, and went on camp as campers!

Exercise Physiologist

The Exercise Physiologist helps plan the active part of our program and assists with education around the importance of exercise


All staff and volunteers must undergo an online interview, hold a Victorian Working with Children (WWC) Check and a complete a Police Check and Reference Check

All medical staff must hold a Victorian Working with Children (WWC) Check and a Police Check.
There is a tax-deductable fee for applying for a Working with Children Check (employee card).
For more information go to the Working with Children Check website.

Keen to volunteer?

Apply to volunteer at Diabetes Victoria Camps here.


2025 camp dates

*We are currently fundraising in order toto offer more spots to children that apply for our camps. Thanks to your generous donations, we are able to run a Teenage Camp this year.
Unfortunately, our Day Activities are not confirmed at this time. Please continue to submit an expression of interest for these camps to help us gauge interest. You can donate and help Diabetes Camps Victoria camps. 


Camps Age Group Places offered Date Location Cost   Apply today
Teenage Camp 15-17 year olds 50 Friday 10th – Sunday 12th January 2025 Lady Northcote Discovery Camp, Glenmore $250 Please email your expression of interest HERE
Family Camp (March)  5-8 year olds
(plus one parent/guardian)
30  Saturday 22nd – Sunday 23rd March 2025  YMCA Anglesea  $250 Please email your expression of interest HERE
Family Camp (November)  5-8 year olds
(plus one parent/guardian)
30  November 2025 – dates TBC  YMCA Anglesea  TBC HERE
Junior Camp 
9-11 year olds 60  Saturday 12th – Monday 14th April 2025 Arrabri Lodge, East Warburton $250 Please email your expression of interest HERE
Senior Camp 
12-14 year olds 65 Sunday 28th – Tuesday 30th September 2025  Camp Manyung, Mt Eliza  TBC HERE
Teen Day Activity  12-17 year olds   TBC  TBC* TBC  Free HERE
Family Day Activity  5-11 year olds + family  TBC  TBC*   TBC Free HERE

Diabetes Camps Victoria understands that some families may find it difficult to afford activities such as camps. We offer financial assistance to help with the costs associated with attending a Diabetes Camps Victoria camp if required.

A note on COVID-19 vaccinations;

  • In line with current updated government recommendations and to maximise accessibility for children to attend our camps, we have now removed the mandatory requirement for campers to have COVID-19 vaccinations on our camps.
  • However, we still strongly recommend all children that attend our camps receive a single dose vaccination prior to attending, due to the higher risk of community spread in our environment.
  • We want to keep all children, staff and volunteers as safe as possible. Given type 1 diabetes is a risk factor for a severe COVID-19 infection, risks for long-term complications are significantly higher than the average population. Please keep this in mind if you choose to send your child to camp unvaccinated.
  • To reduce risk and minimise spread on our camps, please note that each child, volunteer and staff member will be administered a compulsory RAT test, temperature check and symptom screening on arrival. RAT tests must be negative for your child to attend camp. Please note, if your child arrives with any cold and flu symptoms, regardless of their RAT result, they will be turned away on the day due to possible inaccuracies with RAT tests. We hope you understand this is to minimise risk of possible infection to all attendees.

Camper 2025 Expressions of Interest

Expressions of interest for 2025 camps open NOW!

You can register HERE