What is OzDAFNE
DAFNE stands for Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating
DAFNE is a comprehensive diabetes education program for adults with type 1 diabetes. In Australia, we call it OzDAFNE. People living with type 1 diabetes attend the program in groups of 6 to 8, and together, learn the skills to work out how much insulin they need for the amount of carbohydrate in the food they want to eat.
You can also find information in this section about completing the health professional OzDAFNE course, becoming an OzDAFNE facilitator and the principles of OzDAFNE.
Navigate OzDAFNE
OzDAFNE program for adults living with type 1 diabetes
DAFNE stands for Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating. It is a comprehensive diabetes education program for adults with type 1 diabetes. In Australia, we call it OzDAFNE.
OzDAFNE program for health professionals
The OzDAFNE Health Professional Workshop gives you the confidence to support your clients as they continue using OzDAFNE guidelines and principles after they complete an OzDAFNE program.
Find an OzDAFNE centre
Find every OzDAFNE centre available, including those offering online services.
Frequently Asked Questions
Find a list of Frequently Asked Questions about the OzDAFNE program.
OzDAFNE graduates
Find resources, support and opportunities to remain in contact with the OzDAFNE community.
Contact us
You can contact OzDAFNE via email or by filling out the contact form in this section.
NDSS support
The NDSS provides support for Diabetes Victoria to coordinate the OzDAFNE program in Australia
For all other questions, please contact us.
Remember to include your location in the details if it is relevant to your enquiry.