
Kellion Victory Medal

2021 Kellion Victory Medal Ceremony 2

Have you been living with diabetes for 50 years or more? Then you are eligible to apply for a Kellion Victory Medal. 

About the Kellion Victory Medal

The Kellion Victory Medal acknowledges the great achievement of living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes for 50 years or more. The medal encourages others to continue working for victory over diabetes. Diabetes Victoria celebrates Kellion Victory Medallists at an annual award ceremony.

Alternatively, there are other options available to receive your medal.

Kellion Victory Medalists in the News

Carla Northmore, Philanthropy Coordinator at Diabetes Victoria travelled to Koonoomoo to present Karen Rentsch with her 50-year Kellion Victory Medal, and her husband Peter with his certificate as Karen’s carer. 

The story was featured in Shepparton News in December 2022, highlighting Karen’s journey with living with type 1 diabetes and her husband’s support along the way. 

After Carla presented Karen with her medal, she said:

“I am proud to be awarded the Kellion Victory Medal as I never thought I would live this long with diabetes. In the ‘bad old days’ using a syringe three times a day to using the FreeStyle Libre today, it has made life so much easier. The device is worn on your upper arm and the automatic sensor can detect hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and is undoubtedly a new generation, continuous glucose monitor (CGM). It gives readings 24 hours a day, it’s water resistant and possesses an alarm, while results and data are stored in a separate reader.”

three people holding a certificate in front of trees

Pictured (L-R): Karen Rentsch with husband Peter and Carla Northmore of Diabetes Victoria. Photo by Barb Love.


The Kellion Victory Medal was named after the late Claude Kellion AM. He was a Sydney businessman who created a foundation to promote diabetes research after his son died from diabetes complications, aged 38.

Since 1984 more than 2,321 people have received Kellion Victory Medals in Australia. Victorians who have lived 50 years or more with diabetes are eligible for a medal.

People who have lived with diabetes for 50 years or more are presented with a silver medal. A gold medal honours 60 years of lived experience. In the last five years we have added additional medals for people who have lived with diabetes for 70 and 75 years. In 2017 and 2020 medallists were awarded for living with diabetes for 80 years!

Support people

We acknowledge the involvement of support people and the effect they have on the health and wellbeing of people living with diabetes. These support people are eligible for recognition certificates.

Support people should be equally proud of their contribution to improving and enhancing the life of someone with diabetes.

2021 Kellion Victory Medal Ceremony image gallery

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