
The Global Pledge to End Diabetes Stigma proudly launched in Melbourne


What is stigma and The Pledge?

Diabetes stigma refers to the negative social judgments, stereotypes, and prejudices that unfairly affect people with diabetes all over the world. To bring an end to diabetes stigma and discrimination, 51 experts from 18 countries with lived experience, clinical and research experience came together. They reviewed scientific evidence and established an international consensus on 49 Statements of evidence and recommendations. They also achieved a consensus on a Pledge to bring an end to diabetes stigma and discrimination.

The Global Launch

The event held at Fed Square was a collaborative effort, involving healthcare organisations and advocacy groups dedicated to changing the narrative surrounding diabetes. Attended by a diverse audience at the venue and online, the launch represented a united front against diabetes stigma.

Key Speakers and Influential Figures

Co-hosts Norman Swan and Renza Scibilia introduced keynote speakers, a group of emerging young leaders and influential people in the diabetes advocacy sphere. Both on stage and via video link, they shared insights, personal stories, and reflected on the importance of the global pledge.

Their powerful stories resonated with the audience, underscoring the urgency of addressing the social challenges faced by people with diabetes. Each presenter emphasised the need for a collective effort to dismantle stereotypes and promote a more inclusive and understanding society.

You can view the full event on the End Diabetes Stigma website

Global participation

A central theme of the launch was community engagement. For months, organisations have been campaigning and engaging community, presenting the opportunity to sign the pledge, and on the evening of the Global Launch, more than 260 organisations and 2100 people across 95 countries have signed on.

The Fed Square event served as a catalyst for global participation in the Pledge to End Diabetes Stigma. The event's success was not only measured by its immediate impact but also by the momentum it generated for ongoing efforts to combat diabetes stigma globally.

If you have not already, you, too, can take the pledge.

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