
Five minutes with dietitian Ivan Chan

Five minutes with dietitian Ivan Chan

We caught up with Ivan Chan, one of our accredited practising dietitians (APDs) at Diabetes Victoria, to chat about the many ways we offer support to the diabetes community.

Watch the video to hear from Ivan in his own words.

If Ivan seems familiar, it’s because he’s worked at Diabetes Victoria for over a decade, delivering carbohydrate counting workshops and helping people one-on-one through our telehealth service.

He is skilled in Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating (DAFNE), insulin pumps, nutrition education using English, Cantonese and Mandarin, and is a member of the Deakin University Dietetics Advisory Board.

"My role at Diabetes Victoria is to help people living with diabetes to make adjustments to their eating habits and ultimately their lifestyle, to allow them to self-manage their diabetes sustainably in the long term,” Ivan explains.
“I have family and friends who live with diabetes and that gives me a greater sense of purpose in investing my life in the world of diabetes.”

Ivan is an engaging presenter and charms the crowd with his sparkling wit at Diabetes Victoria’s Living Well events and when he presents to peer support groups.

“In Victoria we have more than 80 support groups across the state in urban and rural settings,” he says. “They are fantastic places where people living with diabetes can attend and receive information and support.
“Diabetes is a long-term condition and we want to give people the tools and resources to manage it well.”

He has a strong interest in diabetes research and how research is translated to clinical practice.

“Diabetes Victoria’s generous supporters help us to fund research, including the ACBRD’s recent work around diabetes stigma,” Ivan says. “People living with diabetes can experience stigma not only in the wider community but when working with health professionals.”

When asked about some of the common myths he hears about diabetes, Ivan says there’s a misconception that type 2 diabetes is ‘mild’ diabetes. “All diabetes is serious, however type 2 diabetes can be managed well to manage the risk of complications,” he says.

“Another common myth is that people living with diabetes should never eat carbohydrates.

“We suggest and recommend people choose healthier carbs as often as you can, but there is always room for your birthday cake or a small amount of chocolate. “If you have trouble with portion control, that’s when I recommend calling Diabetes Victoria and having a chat with one of our dietitians.”

Book your appointment with one of our dietitians - call the Diabetes Victoria Clinic on 1300 437 386.

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