1.1 By opting into an automatic membership renewal, you authorise us to arrange for your annual membership fee to be debited from your account on your debit day. You should refer to the Direct Debit Request and this agreement for the terms of the arrangement between us and you.
1.2 We will arrange for your annual membership fee to be deducted in one payment on the date of joining and then annually on your debit day under these terms and conditions. This includes consent to multiple debit attempts if a payment fails to transfer.
1.3 Diabetes Victoria will endeavour to contact you by email before your debit day to remind you of your upcoming debit day. It is your responsibility to ensure the contact email address you have provided is correct and up to date.
1.4 It is your responsibility to ensure the account details you have provided are correct and up to date, including letting Diabetes Victoria know if the expiry date for your nominated credit or debit card changes or changes to an account.
1.5 You must have sufficient cleared funds available in your nominated account on the scheduled debit day.
1.6 If the debit day falls on a day that is not a banking day, we may direct your financial institution to debit your account on the following banking day. If you are unsure about which day your account has or will be debited, you can ask your financial institution.
1.7 If your debit payment is unsuccessful or dishonoured, we will contact you to request payment.
1.8 Your renewed membership, and access to membership benefits, will not be confirmed until a successful payment has been processed.
1.9 You agree to the automatic renewal of your annual membership with Diabetes Victoria from year to year unless you choose to opt out by emailing membership@diabetesvic.org.au or by telephoning us on 1300 437 386 during business hours by no later than five (5) business days prior to the expiry of your current membership period.
1.10 Any donation amount that you add to your membership payment, will not form part of this Direct Debit Agreement. This will be considered a one-off donation and will not be debited on any ongoing basis.