
  • Membership

    Become a Diabetes Victoria member for FREE

    Since 2022, we’ve offered a FREE, six-month trial membership to support our community. Following positive feedback from our members, we are thrilled to announce that our free membership is now ongoing! Sign up today and receive a FREE 4 Ingredients exclusive recipe e-book.

  • Teresa’s Story

    Peer Support Changes Lives

    This is no substitute for the in-person peer support groups services that Diabetes Victoria has been providing for so long. It is abundantly clear to me that the Peer Support team at Diabetes Victoria provide an essential and valuable service to the diabetes community in Victoria.

  • Person on telehealth call on laptop computer


    Holiday closure updates

    We understand that managing diabetes is a daily commitment, even during the holidays. To support you, please take note of the holiday opening hours for both the Diabetes Victoria Helpline and the NDSS Helpline.

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