
Information and resources

A person in glasses standing in an office

Welcome to our information and resources hub. This is your go-to source for comprehensive information on diabetes management and support. It can help you whether you’re just diagnosed or have been managing diabetes for years. You’ll find a wealth of resources, including educational materials, tips, and tools. These aim to help you live well with diabetes. Explore our content to stay informed, empowered, and connected to the diabetes community.

Booklets and Factsheets

Need printed copies of the NDSS resources? Call the NDSS Helpline on 1800 637 700.

  • Culturally Adapted Resources - Five Books

    Pictorial guides

    Translated pictorial guides have been developed with community and include culturally relevant pictures and tips for staying healthy.

  • a group of people posing for a picture in front of a billboard

    Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People

    Diabetes Victoria has a range of resources that have been culturally adapted for the Aboriginal community, including our pictorial guides and quarterly e-newsletter Grapevine. 

  • a group of business people standing together in an office

    Translated resources

    Do you need information in another language?
    We have information available in languages other than English.


Managing hypos

This video explores what a hypo is, who is at risk of hypos and how to treat them. This video provides information on warning signs and how to treat hypos quickly.

Carbohydrate counting

This video explains what low -carb eating is and highlights the benefits of carb counting.  

Diabetes Victoria has two programs for people with type1 diabetes who want to learn more about carb counting:
  • Carbohydrate counting workshop for people with type 1 diabetes. Find out more here. 
  • OzDAFNE: Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating – A five-day program which covers carbohydrate counting and adjusting insulin doses.  

Visit My NDSS events page here to register.



The Building Blocks video on exercise explains the benefits of being active for people living with diabetes. It also covers how to remain safe while exercising. The video explores the types of exercise people with diabetes can do, how to plan your exercise and how to reduce the risk of having a hypo as a result of exercise.  
If you would like to learn more about exercise,  visit the resources or attend the following session:


Diabetes Technology

This video on technology explores the different technology choices for managing diabetes. Diabetes technology basically covers how to monitor glucose levels and deliver insulin. Different devices do different things.
This video explains some of the different diabetes technology such as blood glucose meters, insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitoring. 

Sick Days

Diabetes Victoria’s Building Blocks video on sick days, provides tips on preparing for the inevitable sick days people with diabetes face. The video touches on having a sick day action plan and a sick day kit with up to date diabetes equipment, enabling you to manage your diabetes at home most of the time. 


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