Diabetes and nutrition
Type 1 & Nutrition
Following a healthy diet is important for everyone – it is the key to maintaining a healthy weight, and reducing your risk of developing chronic diseases such as heart disease. For people with type 1 diabetes, diet and nutrition also play an important role in managing blood glucose levels.
Type 2 & nutrition
The key to managing type 2 diabetes is achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight, making healthier food choices and being as active as you can be, every day.
Pre-diabetes & Nutrition and Prevention
The cause of type 1 diabetes isn’t clearly understood and although there is a lot of research happening, at this stage type 1 diabetes can’t be prevented. However, evidence shows that in some cases, with lifestyle modifications type 2 diabetes can be prevented.
Gestational diabetes & nutrition
The management of gestational diabetes is a balance between eating enough of the right nutrients for the baby to grow and develop and keeping blood glucose levels within the target range